1. Report -

    Healthwatch Lewisham visited residential homes with supported care and day centres for people with learning disabilities to assess if service users were being treated with dignity and respect, if they felt listened to and understood by their service providers and to see if services were person centred.
  2. Report -

    Healthwatch Lewisham has been working closely with the Parent and Carer Forum as part of a consortium of CVS organisations who provide support, advice and signposting and information at the Kaleidoscope Children’s centre in Catford.
  3. Report -

    The aim of the project is to promote wellbeing and signpost public as appropriate to the services available for respiratory disseises sufferers through Breathing Well Champions volunteer outreach role.
  4. Report -

    Healthwatch Lewisham contacted the leader of Lewisham’s Diabetes UK Support Group to find out about the experiences of the group’s members using community care services as part of an Inquiry into Community Care Services.
  5. Report -

    One in four Lewisham residents is under 19 years old. Healthwatch Lewisham has a responsibility to engage with children, young people as well as parents and carers to find out what they think of the local health and social care services.
  6. Report -

    In the 2014 - 2015 report, we share our work to understand people's experiences and improve key areas of focus based on feedback from community members.
  7. Report -

    We attended this event to raise awareness of the Self Care week and importance of self-care and to encourage stakeholders to take part in the campaign and to encourage self-care to their service users.
  8. Advice and Information -

    Do you struggle to speak to your doctor about your medical concerns? You’re not alone. Take a look at our top tips to make the most out of your GP appointment.
  9. Report -

    We explored young people's attitudes and experiences toward sexual health and healthy relationships, in the hope that it would raise awareness around the services that are available, the laws around healthy teenage relationships.
  10. Report -

    We visited Penerley Lodge care home to talk to staff and residents about the care and service they offer. This report contains our findings and recommendations put to the service after our visit.
  11. Report -

    We visited Welcome Care home and spoke to staff and residents about the care and service they provide. This report contains our findings and recommendations put to the service after our visit.
  12. Report -

    We carried out a research project to assess patients’ and carers’ experiences of being discharged from hospital. We made three separate visits to the discharge lounge at University Hospital Lewisham (UHL) where we spoke with staff, patients, carers and family members.
  13. Report -

    In this report, we talk about the impact of our new Lewisham NHS Independent Advocacy Service and introduce our new digital Feedback Centre, coming 1 April 2017.
  14. Report -

    Our latest intelligence report covered Lewisham residents experiences of local health and care services. Including the views of teenagers on healthy relationships and their use of sexual health services in the borough. We also heard the experiences about the discharge lounge in University Hospital Lewisham.
  15. Report -

    We visited Manley Court to talk to staff and residents about the care and service they offer. This report contains our findings and recommendations we put to the service after our visit.
  16. Advice and Information -

    A year ago the Accessible Information Standard came into force. It requires any organisation providing NHS or social care to communicate in a way that everybody can understand. Here's a reminder of what you should expect.
  17. Advice and Information -

    Five things you should expect from home care, domiciliary care or help in the home.
  18. Report -

    We carried out an audit of local GP out of hours information for patients. A summary of the findings can be found by clicking here.
  19. Report -

    Read what people told us about services in the last three months.
  20. Report -

    We delivered a workshop around the Five Ways to Wellbeing and the importance of mental health. Evidence suggests that these five steps can help to improve our mental wellbeing. Here is what we found out.
  21. Report -

    In our latest intelligence report we found that patient experience of the University Hospital Lewisham (UHL) continues to be mixed. Whilst access to GP appointments remains an issue across the borough.
  22. News -

    National HIV Testing Week is celebrating 10 year of campaigning to increase testing in the UK.
  23. Report -

    In November 2023, we conducted an Enter and View visit to Brownhill Lodge Care home. Brownhill Lodge is a residential care provider and home in Catford, currently housing 19 people with dementia, cognitive impairments, or learning disabilities.
  24. Report -

    We have been working on a report into the health experiences of transgender and non-binary people in Lewisham. In this report we dive into their experiences, to find out how services can be made better.
  25. News -

    Maximising Wellbeing at Home is a program to support people in their own homes.
  26. Report -

    As another quarter comes to an end, we reflect on how things have progressed over these months.
  27. Report -

    Our Annual Report goes over what has happened throughout the year and what we have been up to at Healthwatch Lewisham.
  28. Event -

  29. Report -

    Each quarter, we publish the experiences of patients that we have gathered. This helps us to see trends in care compared to previous months.

    We have seen an increase in the percentage of people sharing positive feedback about GPs in the Borough and, in a similar trend, the feedback on hospital services is more positive at the end of the year than the start of the year.
    The experience of Dental services is also more positive at the end of the year, albeit dropping slightly from a high in Q3.

    Positive experiences of pharmacy services have increased significantly, by 20% over the course of the year, experiencing quarter upon quarter improvement and, although lower in number, Optician service feedback has increased to 80% positive feedback.
  30. News -

    We are recruiting for a new Patient Experience Officer to support the Borough of Lewisham 21 hours a week. Application deadline: 30th September 2024