Children and young people findings and outcome report

One in four Lewisham residents is under 19 years old. Healthwatch Lewisham has a responsibility to engage with children, young people as well as parents and carers to find out what they think of the local health and social care services.


  • Young people and their families need visible and accessible information about what services are available to support them and where they can find these services, particularly for young people who are experiencing mental health issues or have complex needs.
  • Healthwatch Lewisham plays a key role in providing signposting and information to ensure families can access support and services when they are in need of additional support.
  • Healthwatch Lewisham plays a key role in linking providers and partners with service users and their families to ensure that every child, young person and their family are aware of all local services that are available to them.
  • Healthwatch is pleased to hear that CAMHS have introduced a new triage system to ensure that the most serious cases are assessed and seen sooner.
  • Healthwatch was also pleased to hear that most young people and their families felt that staff were very kind and caring while in the service. Young people and their families continue to tell us that access to the service can take a long time.


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Children and young people report

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