1. Advice and Information -

    How can I get the most out of my next visit to the dentist? Take a look at our tips to help you prepare for your appointment and make sure you understand your treatment and how much it will cost.
  2. Report -

    We embarked on a project which built on our previous work, to see whether patient experience has improved following the introduction of AIS. We also assessed local implementation of the Standard.
  3. Report -

    This study was conducted by Healthwatch’s Community Engagement Officer, who visited 5 food banks across the boroughs of Bromley and Lewisham. Those in attendance were informally interviewed about their experiences of accessing health and social care services and the circumstances which has caused them to access community services in the borough.
  4. Report -

    In late 2015, Healthwatch Lewisham engaged with communities that don’t speak English as their first language including Vietnamese, Tamil, Polish, Turkish and Refugee groups. We engaged with 95 individuals which covered a broad range of demographics. Many people engaged with were parents or carers and many recognised themselves as being disabled.
  5. Report -

    Through this report, Healthwatch Bromley and Lewisham draws attention to the experiences of access to health and social care services faced by members of the Polish community living in Lewisham.
  6. Report -

    We attended this event to raise awareness of the Self Care week and importance of self-care and to encourage stakeholders to take part in the campaign and to encourage self-care to their service users.
  7. Report -

    One in four Lewisham residents is under 19 years old. Healthwatch Lewisham has a responsibility to engage with children, young people as well as parents and carers to find out what they think of the local health and social care services.
  8. Report -

    Healthwatch Lewisham contacted the leader of Lewisham’s Diabetes UK Support Group to find out about the experiences of the group’s members using community care services as part of an Inquiry into Community Care Services.
  9. Report -

    The aim of the project is to promote wellbeing and signpost public as appropriate to the services available for respiratory disseises sufferers through Breathing Well Champions volunteer outreach role.
  10. Report -

    On Monday 15 December, Healthwatch Lewisham held its 2nd annual event. Over 110 people attended including over 35 representatives from organisations and community groups, a reflection of the powerful voice Healthwatch Lewisham provides for service users of health and social care locally.
  11. Report -

    Between April and October 2014, Healthwatch Lewisham has engaged with a variety of service users, carers, community and voluntary sector groups and staff, as well as the local residents in Lewisham to listen to their experiences of enablement and integrated care.
  12. Report -

    This report presents the findings of service user feedback collated from engagement sessions carried out at the Kaleidoscope Children’s Centre in Lewisham.