1. Advice and Information -

    With more and more appointments happening online, we've put together some tips on how to get the most out of the virtual health and care appointments both for patients and health and care professionals.
  2. Report -

    In December 2019, we carried out three Enter and View visits at the Oakview Family Practice as we regularly receive feedback that patients in Lewisham face difficulties accessing GP appointments.
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    Residents regularly tell us that GP appointments are difficult to access. In 2019, we carried out three visits to the GP Extended Access (GPEA) Service, which has been created to make more appointments available in Lewisham. The Enter and View visits gave us the chance to understand patients’ experiences of the service provided by One Health Lewisham and whether it was helping to improve access for residents.
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    As part of our AIS project, we engaged with 12 GP surgeries in the borough, to understand how they have complied with AIS. We chose to focus on these selected GPs as they had a high number of patients with sensory and learning disabilities.
  5. Advice and Information -

    Do you struggle to speak to your doctor about your medical concerns? You’re not alone. Take a look at our top tips to make the most out of your GP appointment.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Many people who provide unpaid care are unaware of their rights. Find out more about the help and support you are entitled to.
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    Healthwatch Lewisham has been working closely with the Parent and Carer Forum as part of a consortium of CVS organisations who provide support, advice and signposting and information at the Kaleidoscope Children’s centre in Catford.
  8. Advice and Information -

    If you are experiencing or feel at risk of domestic abuse, or are worried about someone who might be, find out where you can go for advice and help.
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    We embarked on a project which built on our previous work, to see whether patient experience has improved following the introduction of AIS. We also assessed local implementation of the Standard.
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    We attended this event to raise awareness of the Self Care week and importance of self-care and to encourage stakeholders to take part in the campaign and to encourage self-care to their service users.
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    One in four Lewisham residents is under 19 years old. Healthwatch Lewisham has a responsibility to engage with children, young people as well as parents and carers to find out what they think of the local health and social care services.
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    Healthwatch Lewisham contacted the leader of Lewisham’s Diabetes UK Support Group to find out about the experiences of the group’s members using community care services as part of an Inquiry into Community Care Services.
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    The aim of the project is to promote wellbeing and signpost public as appropriate to the services available for respiratory disseises sufferers through Breathing Well Champions volunteer outreach role.