1. News -

    Bowel Cancer UK has launched the Colonoscopy Confidence campaign to help you understand the importance of getting your bowel checked.
  2. Report -

    Get the findings from our Digital Exclusion report December 2021 in an easy-to read infographic.
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    For this research project, we engaged with people who are more likely to be digitally excluded to gain a better understanding of how this might impact their experience with health and care services.
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    As part of our AIS project, we engaged with 12 GP surgeries in the borough, to understand how they have complied with AIS. We chose to focus on these selected GPs as they had a high number of patients with sensory and learning disabilities.
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    The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way people access their GP with the further development of remote triage and booking systems. Service delivery in primary care continues to undergo changes and Healthwatch Lewisham wanted to understand what residents’ experiences have been like of since the national lockdown restrictions were lifted on 19 July 2021.
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    As fears of Polio have returned to the UK, it is more important than ever to ensure that your child is protected.
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    Your primary care team is part of a wide network of practitioners and specialists dedicated to ensuring you receive the best care possible.