Attend workshops to support AdStAC research on Black service users’ experience with Advance Choice Documents

The UK Government has agreed to introduce legislation for advance statements. Because Black people experience more forced care, it is important to work with Black people to introduce advance statements in a way that works for them.
Advance Statements Project

The Advance Statements Project is a research project on getting advance statements – also known as advance choice documents or advance directives – to work for Black African and Caribbean service users who have previously been detained under the Mental Health Act, their carers, and mental health staff.

The goal of this research is to:

  • Help reduce detention under the Mental Health Act for Black service users,
  • Support, hear and understand Black service users and their carers/supporters,
  • Know and further understand the issues surrounding using advance choice documents and why staff members may not follow them,
  • Reduce coercive care in mental health care, and to better the relationships between Black service users, their carers/supporters and staff/professionals.

What are advance statements?

Advance statements are documents that allow a person to share their preferences about how they would like to be treated and cared for if they become unwell in the future.

These documents are not legally binding, but staff should act according to the wishes outlined in the advance statement unless there are specific circumstances that do not allow staff to do so.

Generally, it is recommended that you create an advance statement with the help of family/friends; your GP, Care Co-ordinator or other appropriate health or social care professional; or a general advocate, Independent Mental Health Advocate, or Independent Mental Capacity Advocate.

Phase 1: Workshops

Researchers value hearing from Black service users and their carers/supporters. These workshops will allow participants to co-produce the resource and share their thoughts and advice around completing, accessing, training staff, and using advance choice documents.

Service user and Carer/Supporter workshops

  • Tuesday 12th April, 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (online)
  • Wednesday 4th May, 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (online)
  • Thursday 12th May, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (online)

Can you take part?

  • A Service User aged 16 or over who has been previously detained under the Mental Health Act and identifies as being Black British, Black African, Black Caribbean heritage or mixed heritage
  • A Carer/Informal Supporter of someone who is of Black British, Black African, Black Caribbean or mixed heritage
  • A professional/staff member who is likely to be involved in the advance statements process i.e., mental health professional, advocate, peer worker, support worker, an Approved Mental Health Professional, a General Practitioner, or a Section 12 approved doctor

You will receive a £15 voucher for participating.

Based on your feedback, researchers will create a resource to actively implement and use the advance choice document resource into the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust systems ahead of the new Mental Health Act legislation.

How to participate

Email Research Associate Abigail Babatunde at

This research is being conducted by Advance Statements Project for Black African and Caribbean people (AdStAC) which is headed by Dr. Shubulade Smith and Dr. Claire Henderson. This is a joint IoPPNKing’s College London & South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust study, funded by the Maudsley Charity.