Test a new question about gambling harm with King’s College London

Consider taking part in a research study to help identify gambling harms for individuals and others affected by gambling for the King’s College London, Bet Know More, GamCare and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

Key Information

What’s the purpose of this research?

Many people in Britain gamble and do so without problems. But some people experience gambling harms such as debt, mental health problems and relationship difficulties. Friends and family of people with gambling problems can also be harmed.

Councils are being asked to identify and support affected people. However, current social care staff in Councils do not have a question they can use to ask people about gambling harm that has been tested scientifically.

This study is working with three different Councils to develop a question and then pilot it. Council staff will be trained by gambling support charity GamCare, then they will ask service users the question(s) and provide support and information to people who would like it.

As part of this study, one or two questions will be tested out with you on two occasions. It will take up to 10 minutes. You will then be given a £10 voucher after the second call to say thank you for helping with the research.

Who should I contact if I want to take part or for more information?

If you would like to take part in this study, please contact researchers, Caroline Norrie caroline.norrie@kcl.ac.uk or Cat Forward catherine.forward@kcl.ac.uk or by phone on 7778 455 712.

Additional Information

Why have I been invited to participate?

You are a user of adult social care Council services.

What will happen if I decide to take part?

A researcher will contact you by phone and ask you the question(s). They will then contact you one or two weeks later and ask you the question(s) again. In this way, they will check how reliable the question is.

Do I have to take part? 

Taking part is voluntary, and you do not have to take part. If you decide that you would like to participate, you will be asked to sign a consent form or verbally agree to take part.


If you take part on both occasions, you will receive a £10 voucher. Please let the researcher have your contact details during the call.


The researchers do not foresee any risks from taking part.


The researchers will provide all research participants with a summary of the study’s findings on request.

Data, Funding and Logistics

Data Handling and Confidentiality

Your data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR). Data will be treated as strictly confidential, and anonymous. The only exception to confidentiality is that if you disclose something that indicates significant risk or harm to yourself or others, the researchers will need to share this concern with the local authority safeguarding lead but will let you know if this is done.

Data will be analysed in a way that ensures that information is confidential to the small research team involved in the study. It will be stored on password protected files on password protected computers of the research team only. Data will be shared between the research team using a secure file transfer service.

Once the study is completed, anonymised data will be kept for seven years, and then destroyed.

Data Protection Statement

Your data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR). If you would like more information about how your data will be processed in accordance with GDPR please visit the link below: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/research/support/research-ethics/kings-college-london-statement-on-use-of-personal-data-in-research.

What if I change my mind about taking part?

Once you have taken part, you will not be able to withdraw your information.

Who is organising and funding this research?

The study is being organised by a team from King’s College London University, led by Caroline Norrie, who are working with GamCare and BetKnowMore gambling support charities.

The study is being funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Research for Social Care programme.

The study has been approved by the HRA Social Care Research Ethics Committee (REC Reference: 21/IEC09/00).

What will happen to the results of this study? 

Your answers will be used to develop a screening question which will be piloted in three LAs. If successful, this will be used by other Councils and GamCare gambling support charities to help people affected by gambling harms.

What if there is a problem? 

If this study has harmed you in any way, or if you wish to make a complaint about the conduct of this study, please contact Bobby Duffy, The Policy Institute, King’s College London at bobby.duffy@kcl.ac.uk.